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CityBuilderCore.IRoadPathfinder Interface Reference

Detailed Description

pathfinder that finds a path inside a network of roads(uses A* by default)

Inheritance diagram for CityBuilderCore.IRoadPathfinder:
CityBuilderCore.IPathfinder CityBuilderCore.GridPathfindingBase CityBuilderCore.RoadManagerBaseMulti CityBuilderCore.GridPathfinding CityBuilderCore.GridPathfindingBurst CityBuilderCore.MultiRoadManager

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from CityBuilderCore.IPathfinder
bool HasPoint (Vector2Int point, object tag=null)
 checks if a point exists within the pathfinder
for example points on map pathing that are blocked or points for road pathing that dont have a road
WalkingPath FindPath (Vector2Int[] starts, Vector2Int[] targets, object tag=null)
 attempts to find a path between one of the starts and one of the ends
PathQuery FindPathQuery (Vector2Int[] starts, Vector2Int[] targets, object tag=null)