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CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent Class Reference

Detailed Description

building component that stores items


Inheritance diagram for CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent:
CityBuilderCore.BuildingComponent CityBuilderCore.IStorageComponent CityBuilderCore.IBuildingComponent CityBuilderCore.IBuildingTrait< IStorageComponent > CityBuilderCore.IItemReceiver CityBuilderCore.IItemGiver CityBuilderCore.IItemOwner CityBuilderCore.ISaveData CityBuilderCore.IBuildingTrait< IItemReceiver > CityBuilderCore.IItemOwner CityBuilderCore.IBuildingTrait< IItemGiver > CityBuilderCore.IItemOwner CityBuilderCore.StorageWalkerComponent


class  StorageData

Public Member Functions

override void InitializeComponent ()
 initialization is performed when the building is placed or loaded
use to create references, register traits, ...
override void OnReplacing (IBuilding replacement)
 called when a component gets replaced
use to transfer resources, replace references
override void TerminateComponent ()
 termination is performed when the building is destroyed
use to deregister traits, remove references from other systems
override string GetDebugText ()
 returns text that gets displayed for debugging in the scene editor
IEnumerable< ItemGetReceiveItems ()
 returns the kinds of items the receiver needs
int GetReceiveCapacity (Item item)
 how much of the item the receiver can still fit
void ReserveCapacity (Item item, int quantity)
 reserves a capacity in the receiver so it is not filled up by someone else
void UnreserveCapacity (Item item, int quantity)
 releases capacity that was earlier reserved by ReserveCapacity(Item, int)
call before actually moving items into the receiver or if the delivery was somehow interrupted
int Receive (ItemStorage storage, Item item, int quantity)
 requests that a quantity of items is moved from the storage to the receiver
if the full amount does not fit the remaining quantity is returned
int GetGiveQuantity (Item item)
 checks how much of an item is available to be given
void ReserveQuantity (Item item, int quantity)
 reserves a quantity of items that may later be given
dont reverse more than is available(GetGiveQuantity(Item))
void UnreserveQuantity (Item item, int quantity)
 releases a quantity that was reserved by ReserveQuantity(Item, int) before
should be called before acutally moving items with Give(ItemStorage, Item, int) or if the process was interrupted
int Give (ItemStorage storage, Item item, int quantity)
 requests that a quantity of items is put into the specified storage
if the full amount is not available the remaining quantity is returned
override string SaveData ()
 serializes the objects state(usually to json) and returns it
override void LoadData (string json)
 deserializes the serialized json data and loads the data as its new state
- Public Member Functions inherited from CityBuilderCore.BuildingComponent
virtual void SetupComponent ()
 only called when the building is originally placed, before Initialize
virtual void OnMoving ()
 called when the building is about to be moved
can be used to remove/deregister stuff from the old position
virtual void OnMoved (Vector2Int oldPoint, BuildingRotation oldRotation)
 called after a building has been moved
can be used to register things at the new position
virtual void SuspendComponent ()
 temporarily stops the component from working
virtual void ResumeComponent ()
 resumes work in the component after SuspendComponent has been called
virtual string GetDescription ()
 gets displayed in dialogs to show the component status to players

Public Attributes

ItemStorage Storage
StorageOrder[] Orders


override string Key [get]
 unique key used to identify the component in save/load
int Priority [get]
 can be used so certain receivers are preferred over others
for example construction sites or production may be more important that putting items into storage
BuildingComponentReference< IStorageComponentReference [get, set]
BuildingComponentReference< IItemReceiverReceiverReference [get, set]
BuildingComponentReference< IItemGiverGiverReference [get, set]
IItemContainer ItemContainer [get]
 holds and manages the items for the owner
- Properties inherited from CityBuilderCore.BuildingComponent
string Key [get]
 unique key used to identify the component in save/load
IBuilding Building [get, set]
 the building the component is attached to
is set by the building in awake
- Properties inherited from CityBuilderCore.IBuildingComponent
- Properties inherited from CityBuilderCore.IStorageComponent
- Properties inherited from CityBuilderCore.IBuildingTrait< IStorageComponent >
BuildingComponentReference< T > Reference [get, set]
 reference to the building trait, use when the building might be replaced and when the reference has to be saved
- Properties inherited from CityBuilderCore.IItemReceiver
- Properties inherited from CityBuilderCore.IBuildingTrait< IItemReceiver >
BuildingComponentReference< T > Reference [get, set]
 reference to the building trait, use when the building might be replaced and when the reference has to be saved
- Properties inherited from CityBuilderCore.IItemOwner
- Properties inherited from CityBuilderCore.IBuildingTrait< IItemGiver >
BuildingComponentReference< T > Reference [get, set]
 reference to the building trait, use when the building might be replaced and when the reference has to be saved

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from CityBuilderCore.BuildingComponent
getOther< T > ()
 gets the first building component of the specified type on the same building
IEnumerable< T > getOthers< T > ()
 gets all building components of the specified type on the same building
BuildingComponentReference< T > registerTrait< T > (T trait)
 registers the building component as a trait so it is globally accessible
usually done in InitializeComponent
void replaceTrait< T > (T trait, T replacement)
 replaces the reference a trait points to in the global manager
done when a building is replaced(OnReplacing(IBuilding)) so the trait now points to the new component instead of the one that has been removed
void deregisterTrait< T > (T trait)
 removes a previously registered trait
usually when a building is removed which calls TerminateComponent

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetDebugText()

override string CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.GetDebugText ( )

returns text that gets displayed for debugging in the scene editor

a debugging string or null

Reimplemented from CityBuilderCore.BuildingComponent.

◆ GetGiveQuantity()

int CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.GetGiveQuantity ( Item item)

checks how much of an item is available to be given

itemthe wanted item
unreserved quantity available

Implements CityBuilderCore.IItemGiver.

◆ GetReceiveCapacity()

int CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.GetReceiveCapacity ( Item item)

how much of the item the receiver can still fit

unreserved capacity available

Implements CityBuilderCore.IItemReceiver.

◆ GetReceiveItems()

IEnumerable< Item > CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.GetReceiveItems ( )

returns the kinds of items the receiver needs

the pertinent items

Implements CityBuilderCore.IItemReceiver.

◆ Give()

int CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.Give ( ItemStorage storage,
Item item,
int quantity )

requests that a quantity of items is put into the specified storage
if the full amount is not available the remaining quantity is returned

storagethe storage the items will be added to
itemthe item to give
quantitythe desired quantity
the remaining quantity that was not available

Implements CityBuilderCore.IItemGiver.

◆ InitializeComponent()

override void CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.InitializeComponent ( )

initialization is performed when the building is placed or loaded
use to create references, register traits, ...

Reimplemented from CityBuilderCore.BuildingComponent.

◆ LoadData()

override void CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.LoadData ( string json)

deserializes the serialized json data and loads the data as its new state


Reimplemented from CityBuilderCore.BuildingComponent.

Reimplemented in CityBuilderCore.StorageWalkerComponent.

◆ OnReplacing()

override void CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.OnReplacing ( IBuilding replacement)

called when a component gets replaced
use to transfer resources, replace references


Reimplemented from CityBuilderCore.BuildingComponent.

◆ Receive()

int CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.Receive ( ItemStorage storage,
Item item,
int quantity )

requests that a quantity of items is moved from the storage to the receiver
if the full amount does not fit the remaining quantity is returned

storagethe storage that items will be taken from
itemthe item to receive
quantitythe maximum quantity of items to receive
remaining quantity that did not fit

Implements CityBuilderCore.IItemReceiver.

◆ ReserveCapacity()

void CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.ReserveCapacity ( Item item,
int quantity )

reserves a capacity in the receiver so it is not filled up by someone else

itemthe item to be reserved
quantitythe quantity to reserve

Implements CityBuilderCore.IItemReceiver.

◆ ReserveQuantity()

void CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.ReserveQuantity ( Item item,
int quantity )

reserves a quantity of items that may later be given
dont reverse more than is available(GetGiveQuantity(Item))

itemwanted item
quantityquantity of the item

Implements CityBuilderCore.IItemGiver.

◆ SaveData()

override string CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.SaveData ( )

serializes the objects state(usually to json) and returns it

serialized save data

Reimplemented from CityBuilderCore.BuildingComponent.

Reimplemented in CityBuilderCore.StorageWalkerComponent.

◆ TerminateComponent()

override void CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.TerminateComponent ( )

termination is performed when the building is destroyed
use to deregister traits, remove references from other systems

Reimplemented from CityBuilderCore.BuildingComponent.

◆ UnreserveCapacity()

void CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.UnreserveCapacity ( Item item,
int quantity )

releases capacity that was earlier reserved by ReserveCapacity(Item, int)
call before actually moving items into the receiver or if the delivery was somehow interrupted

itemitem to unreserve
quantityquantity to unreserve

Implements CityBuilderCore.IItemReceiver.

◆ UnreserveQuantity()

void CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.UnreserveQuantity ( Item item,
int quantity )

releases a quantity that was reserved by ReserveQuantity(Item, int) before
should be called before acutally moving items with Give(ItemStorage, Item, int) or if the process was interrupted


Implements CityBuilderCore.IItemGiver.

Property Documentation

◆ ItemContainer

IItemContainer CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.ItemContainer

holds and manages the items for the owner

Implements CityBuilderCore.IItemOwner.

◆ Key

override string CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.Key

unique key used to identify the component in save/load

Implements CityBuilderCore.IBuildingComponent.

◆ Priority

int CityBuilderCore.StorageComponent.Priority

can be used so certain receivers are preferred over others
for example construction sites or production may be more important that putting items into storage

Implements CityBuilderCore.IItemReceiver.