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CityBuilderCore.IGiverPathfinder Interface Reference

Detailed Description

calculates the best path for getting a needed item

Inheritance diagram for CityBuilderCore.IGiverPathfinder:

Public Member Functions

BuildingComponentPath< IItemGiverGetGiverPath (IBuilding building, Vector2Int? currentPoint, ItemQuantity items, float maxDistance, PathType pathType, object pathTag=null)
 attempts to find an IItemGiver and a path to it for a needed item
BuildingComponentPathQuery< IItemGiverGetGiverPathQuery (IBuilding building, Vector2Int? currentPoint, ItemQuantity items, float maxDistance, PathType pathType, object pathTag=null)

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetGiverPath()

BuildingComponentPath< IItemGiver > CityBuilderCore.IGiverPathfinder.GetGiverPath ( IBuilding building,
Vector2Int? currentPoint,
ItemQuantity items,
float maxDistance,
PathType pathType,
object pathTag = null )

attempts to find an IItemGiver and a path to it for a needed item

buildinghome building of the walker if any
currentPointcurrent position of the walker(if not home)
itemsitems that are needed
maxDistancemaximum distance from walker to giver
pathTypedefines the type of pathing to use
pathTagadditional pathing parameter

Implemented in CityBuilderCore.DefaultItemManager.