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CityBuilderCore.SaleWalker Class Reference

Detailed Description

roams around and takes note of what items the IItemRecipient it encounters need and supplies them if it carries the item


Inheritance diagram for CityBuilderCore.SaleWalker:
CityBuilderCore.BuildingComponentWalker< IItemRecipient > CityBuilderCore.IItemOwner


class  SaleWalkerData

Public Member Functions

void StartSelling (ItemStorage storage)
void FinishSelling (ItemStorage other)
override string GetDebugText ()
override string SaveData ()
override void LoadData (string json)

Public Attributes

ItemStorage Storage
 storage the walker fills with items from the distributor before it start walking around
bool ReserveCapacity

Protected Member Functions

override void onComponentEntered (IItemRecipient itemRecipient)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CityBuilderCore.BuildingComponentWalker< IItemRecipient >
override void onEntered (IBuilding building)
 called when the building first enters the walkers area
override void onRemaining (IBuilding building)
 called on every frame the walkers area contains the building
virtual void onComponentEntered (T buildingComponent)
 called when the building component first enters the walkers area
virtual void onComponentRemaining (T buildingComponent)
 called on every frame the walkers area contains the building component


override ItemStorage ItemStorage [get]
IItemContainer ItemContainer [get]
 holds and manages the items for the owner
List< ItemWishlist [get]
- Properties inherited from CityBuilderCore.IItemOwner

Property Documentation

◆ ItemContainer

IItemContainer CityBuilderCore.SaleWalker.ItemContainer

holds and manages the items for the owner

Implements CityBuilderCore.IItemOwner.