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CityBuilderCore.WalkerInfo Class Reference

Detailed Description

meta info for data that does not change between instances of a walker
can be used to compare walkers
the animation section can be used to directly set animation parameters on the main Walker.Animator
this is done in the town demo, the other demos instead use unity events liks Walker.IsWalkingChanged configured in the inspector and UnityAnimatorEvents


Inheritance diagram for CityBuilderCore.WalkerInfo:
CityBuilderCore.KeyedObject CityBuilderCore.IKeyed

Public Member Functions

void SetAnimationWalk (Walker walker, bool value)
void SetAnimationCarry (Walker walker, bool value)
void SetAnimationDirection (Walker walker, Vector3 direction)

Public Attributes

string Name
string[] Descriptions
GameObject Prefab
PathType PathType
Object PathTag
bool PathTagSelf
float Speed = 5
float MaxWait = 10f
float Delay
string WalkParameter
string DirectionXParameter
string DirectionYParameter
string CarryParameter
- Public Attributes inherited from CityBuilderCore.KeyedObject
string Key

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CityBuilderCore.KeyedObject
static T GetKeyedObject< T > (string key)
- Properties inherited from CityBuilderCore.IKeyed