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CityBuilderCore.IAttackable Interface Reference

Detailed Description

a building component that can be attacked

Inheritance diagram for CityBuilderCore.IAttackable:
CityBuilderCore.IBuildingTrait< IAttackable > CityBuilderCore.AttackableComponent

Public Member Functions

void Attack (int damage)
 deals damage to the attackable, reducing its health and potentially destroying it

Additional Inherited Members

- Properties inherited from CityBuilderCore.IBuildingTrait< IAttackable >
BuildingComponentReference< T > Reference [get, set]
 reference to the building trait, use when the building might be replaced and when the reference has to be saved

Member Function Documentation

◆ Attack()

void CityBuilderCore.IAttackable.Attack ( int damage)

deals damage to the attackable, reducing its health and potentially destroying it

damagethe amount of damage to do

Implemented in CityBuilderCore.AttackableComponent.