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CityBuilderCore.DepopulationHappening Class Reference

Detailed Description

kills a part of the population on start(relative to the capacity of the housing)


Inheritance diagram for CityBuilderCore.DepopulationHappening:

Public Member Functions

override void Start ()
 called when the happening first starts, meaning when its condition switches from being false to true
use for thing that persist on their own like adding items to buildings or changing risk values
the difference to Activate is that start will not be called again when the game is loaded
- Public Member Functions inherited from CityBuilderCore.TimingHappening
virtual void End ()
 called when the happening first end, meaning when its condition switches from bein true to being false the difference to Deactivate is that end will not be called again when the game is unloaded
virtual void Activate ()
 called whenever the happening becomes active, this may be when the happening starts or when a game is loaded at a time when the happening is active used for ongoing stuff like modifers to layers and services or for visuals like rain particles
virtual void Deactivate ()
 called whenever the happening becomes inactive, this may be when the happening ends or when a game is unloaded
used to reset ongoing stuff from Activate

Public Attributes

float Mortality
- Public Attributes inherited from CityBuilderCore.TimingHappening
string Name
string StartTitle
string StartDescription
string EndTitle
string EndDescription

Member Function Documentation

◆ Start()

override void CityBuilderCore.DepopulationHappening.Start ( )

called when the happening first starts, meaning when its condition switches from being false to true
use for thing that persist on their own like adding items to buildings or changing risk values
the difference to Activate is that start will not be called again when the game is loaded

Reimplemented from CityBuilderCore.TimingHappening.