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CityBuilderCore.IItemsDispenser Interface Reference

Detailed Description

dispenses items to items retrievers
(eg map resources like trees that dispense wood, animals that dispense meat, ...)

Inheritance diagram for CityBuilderCore.IItemsDispenser:
CityBuilderCore.ReloadingItemsDispenser CityBuilderCore.SingleItemsDispenser

Public Member Functions

ItemQuantity Dispense ()
 dispenses items from the dispense, depending on the dispenser this might destroy it or make it inactive for a while


string Key [get]
 key used to identify a kind of dispenser
has to match ItemsRetrieverWalker.DispenserKey
Vector3 Position [get]
 absolute position of the dispenser on the map

Member Function Documentation

◆ Dispense()

ItemQuantity CityBuilderCore.IItemsDispenser.Dispense ( )

dispenses items from the dispense, depending on the dispenser this might destroy it or make it inactive for a while

the items dispensed that can be added to the retriever and brought home

Implemented in CityBuilderCore.ReloadingItemsDispenser, and CityBuilderCore.SingleItemsDispenser.

Property Documentation

◆ Position

Vector3 CityBuilderCore.IItemsDispenser.Position

absolute position of the dispenser on the map

Implemented in CityBuilderCore.ReloadingItemsDispenser, and CityBuilderCore.SingleItemsDispenser.