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CityBuilderCore.EmploymentWalker Class Reference

Detailed Description

sums up population count of the housings it passes so a EmploymentWalkerComponent can determine its access to employees


Inheritance diagram for CityBuilderCore.EmploymentWalker:
CityBuilderCore.BuildingComponentWalker< IHousing >


class  EmploymentWalkerData

Public Member Functions

void StartEmployment (IEnumerable< Population > populations)
override string SaveData ()
override void LoadData (string json)

Protected Member Functions

override void onComponentEntered (IHousing housing)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CityBuilderCore.BuildingComponentWalker< IHousing >
override void onEntered (IBuilding building)
 called when the building first enters the walkers area
override void onRemaining (IBuilding building)
 called on every frame the walkers area contains the building
virtual void onComponentEntered (T buildingComponent)
 called when the building component first enters the walkers area
virtual void onComponentRemaining (T buildingComponent)
 called on every frame the walkers area contains the building component


int Quantity [get]