No Matches
CityBuilderCore.IHighlightManager Interface Reference

Detailed Description

highlights tiles as valid, invalid or just as info
primarily used by building tools

Inheritance diagram for CityBuilderCore.IHighlightManager:
CityBuilderCore.DefaultHighlightManager CityBuilderCore.MeshHighlightManager CityBuilderCore.SpriteHighlightManager

Public Member Functions

void Clear ()
 removes any previously made highlights
void Highlight (IEnumerable< Vector2Int > points, bool valid)
 highlights points on the map
void Highlight (IEnumerable< Vector2Int > points, HighlightType type)
 highlights points on the map
void Highlight (IEnumerable< Vector2Int > points, Color color)
 highlights points on the map
void Highlight (Vector2Int point, bool isValid)
 highlights a point on the map
void Highlight (Vector2Int point, HighlightType type)
 highlights a point on the map
void Highlight (Vector2Int point, Color color)
 highlights points on the map

Member Function Documentation

◆ Clear()

void CityBuilderCore.IHighlightManager.Clear ( )

◆ Highlight() [1/6]

void CityBuilderCore.IHighlightManager.Highlight ( IEnumerable< Vector2Int > points,
bool valid )

highlights points on the map

pointspoints on the map to highlight
validtrue to display as valid(green), false for invalid(red)

Implemented in CityBuilderCore.DefaultHighlightManager, CityBuilderCore.MeshHighlightManager, and CityBuilderCore.SpriteHighlightManager.

◆ Highlight() [2/6]

void CityBuilderCore.IHighlightManager.Highlight ( IEnumerable< Vector2Int > points,
Color color )

highlights points on the map

pointspoints on the map to highlight
colorcolor to visualize the highlight in

Implemented in CityBuilderCore.DefaultHighlightManager, CityBuilderCore.MeshHighlightManager, and CityBuilderCore.SpriteHighlightManager.

◆ Highlight() [3/6]

void CityBuilderCore.IHighlightManager.Highlight ( IEnumerable< Vector2Int > points,
HighlightType type )

highlights points on the map

pointspoints on the map to highlight
typehow the points should be visualized(valid>green, invalid>red, info>blue)

Implemented in CityBuilderCore.DefaultHighlightManager, CityBuilderCore.MeshHighlightManager, and CityBuilderCore.SpriteHighlightManager.

◆ Highlight() [4/6]

void CityBuilderCore.IHighlightManager.Highlight ( Vector2Int point,
bool isValid )

highlights a point on the map

pointpoint on the map to highlight
validtrue to display as valid(green), false for invalid(red)

Implemented in CityBuilderCore.DefaultHighlightManager, CityBuilderCore.MeshHighlightManager, and CityBuilderCore.SpriteHighlightManager.

◆ Highlight() [5/6]

void CityBuilderCore.IHighlightManager.Highlight ( Vector2Int point,
Color color )

highlights points on the map

pointspoints on the map to highlight
colorcolor to visualize the highlight in

Implemented in CityBuilderCore.DefaultHighlightManager, CityBuilderCore.MeshHighlightManager, and CityBuilderCore.SpriteHighlightManager.

◆ Highlight() [6/6]

void CityBuilderCore.IHighlightManager.Highlight ( Vector2Int point,
HighlightType type )

highlights a point on the map

pointpoint on the map to highlight
typehow the points should be visualized(valid>green, invalid>red, info>blue)

Implemented in CityBuilderCore.DefaultHighlightManager, CityBuilderCore.MeshHighlightManager, and CityBuilderCore.SpriteHighlightManager.