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CityBuilderCore.TimingCondition Class Reference

Detailed Description

used to describe a timeframe in game time using a timing unit
for example a condition with Unit:Day and Number:3 will be active on the 3rd day every month
can be combined in TimingHappeningOccurence to define when a happening is active

Public Member Functions

bool Check (float playtime, int seed)
 checks if the condition is currently met

Public Attributes

TimingUnit Unit
int Number = 1
int NumberFrom
int NumberTill
double Chance = 1

Member Function Documentation

◆ Check()

bool CityBuilderCore.TimingCondition.Check ( float playtime,
int seed )

checks if the condition is currently met

playtimegame time to check
seedseed used for conditions that have a chance < 1
true if the condition is met