No Matches
CityBuilderTown.TownItemTask Class Reference

Detailed Description

items lying on the map ready to be collected and stored
a walker has to go to the task and spend a little bit of time picking it up
after that the items are added to the walkers storage and the task is finished
storing the item is the walkers business and not part of the task


Inheritance diagram for CityBuilderTown.TownItemTask:
CityBuilderTown.TownTask CityBuilderCore.KeyedBehaviour CityBuilderCore.IKeyed

Public Member Functions

override bool CanStartTask (TownWalker walker)
override WalkerAction[] StartTask (TownWalker walker)
override void ContinueTask (TownWalker walker)
override void FinishTask (TownWalker walker, ProcessState process)
override string GetDescription ()
override string GetDebugText ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from CityBuilderTown.TownTask
WalkerAction[] StartTask (TownWalker walker)
void ContinueTask (TownWalker walker)
void FinishTask (TownWalker walker, ProcessState process)
virtual void Terminate ()
virtual void SignalTask (TownWalker walker, string key)
virtual bool ProgressTask (TownWalker walker, string key)
virtual void SuspendTask ()
virtual void ResumeTask ()
virtual void OnMessages (string e)
 use when a single string has to be split into several messages
by default the parameter is split by spaces
virtual void OnMessage (string e)
 puts a message into the characters messaging pipeline
TownTaskData SaveData ()
void LoadData (TownTaskData data)

Public Attributes

float CollectDuration
ItemQuantity Items
- Public Attributes inherited from CityBuilderTown.TownTask
TownJob Job
Sprite Icon
Transform Visual
GameObject Tool
UnityEvent< string > MessageReceived
MessageEvent[] MessageEvents
- Public Attributes inherited from CityBuilderCore.KeyedBehaviour
string Key


override IEnumerable< TownWalkerWalkers [get]
- Properties inherited from CityBuilderTown.TownTask
Guid Id = Guid.NewGuid() [get]
virtual IEnumerable< TownWalkerWalkers [get]
Vector2Int Point [get]
- Properties inherited from CityBuilderCore.IKeyed

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from CityBuilderTown.TownTask
virtual void Awake ()
virtual void Update ()
virtual void OnDestroy ()
virtual string saveExtras ()
virtual void loadExtras (string json)
- Protected Attributes inherited from CityBuilderTown.TownTask
bool _isTerminated
bool _isSuspended

Member Function Documentation

◆ CanStartTask()

override bool CityBuilderTown.TownItemTask.CanStartTask ( TownWalker walker)

Reimplemented from CityBuilderTown.TownTask.

◆ GetDebugText()

override string CityBuilderTown.TownItemTask.GetDebugText ( )

Reimplemented from CityBuilderTown.TownTask.

◆ GetDescription()

override string CityBuilderTown.TownItemTask.GetDescription ( )

Reimplemented from CityBuilderTown.TownTask.